Occupied Home Staging. Vacant Home Staging. Custom Staging Packages.

Our Staging Services

It all starts with an initial walk-through of the property. We can do the walk-through in person or virtually. With a large inventory of furnishings and accessories, white glove delivery services, and quick turnaround, we are your go-to staging team to get your home(s) staged quickly.

Head Here to Schedule a Free Consultation!

Occupied Home Staging.

We work with Realtors & Homeowners to optimize their existing furniture and decor, provide guidance on decluttering, rearranging, and enhancing a home's overall appeal.

“Owner-Occupied" means that one or more individuals will be living in the home for any period of time while staging items are present. This service is beneficial for the many Colorado sellers that find themselves in limbo, looking (or waiting) for their next home while trying to sell their current one.

Sometimes we’re just “refreshing” the home with accessories and sometimes we’re fully staging a few unused rooms while the homeowner is still living there. Our main goal with owner-occupied staging is to elevate and bring new life to the home by working “Behind the Scenes.”

Vacant Home Staging.

We provide all furnishings, accessories, artwork, and decor needed to transform an empty property into a welcoming and stylish home that buyers will love.

"Vacant" means that no one will be occupying the property for any period of time while staging items are present.

The most common, influential areas to be staged include the Living Room, Dining Room, Primary Bedroom and Bathroom, and Kitchen. Our vacant stages can range from a couple rooms up to a complete home stage. We let the home take “Center Stage”.

Staging Add-Ons.

We work with Realtors & Homeowners to stage additional spaces with transparent pricing. We also offer Realtors a program where we don’t get fully paid for staging a property until you do!

Packages & Add-Ons.

Occupied Home!

Behind the Scenes

Our Stuff and Yours.

  • Initial In-Home Consultation with a Designer

  • Room-by Room-assessment with Homeowner on what needs to be done by them prior to listing.

  • Written report to Homeowner and Agent with “To Do’s” discussed during consultation.

  • Second visit by Designer after “To Do” list is complete to “stage” Homeowner’s existing furniture and accessories.

  • Fill in any staging needs with Sterling Staging’s extensive collection of furniture, accessories, and art.

  • Provide Homeowner with handy “To Do” list on how to prep their home prior to daily showings.

Vacant Home!

The Center Stage

Blank Canvas for Staging.

  • Initial In-Home Consultation with a Designer

  • Room-by Room-assessment with Homeowner on what needs to be done by them prior to listing.

  • Written report to Homeowner and Agent with “To Do’s” discussed during consultation if needed.

  • Fully furnish Living Room, Dining, Primary Bed & Bath, and Kitchen with Sterling Staging’s extensive collection of furniture and accessories, ensuring that each space selected will have a cohesive color palette, accessories, and decor.

Staging Sells Homes

Staging Sells Homes ⋆

The Power of Home Staging:

Boosting Sales by 88%

In the realm of real estate, the impact of home staging is undeniable, with statistics showing that staged homes sell faster and for higher prices compared to nonstaged properties. Research indicates that on average, staged homes sell 88% faster and for 20% more than nonstaged homes, making this a compelling strategy for increasing sales. Not only does staging lead to financial gains, but it also plays a crucial role in helping potential buyers envision the property as their future home.

Why Staged Homes Sell 88% Faster

Staged homes create a lasting first impression that is critical in today's fast-paced real estate market. By presenting a property in its best light, staging accentuates the positives and allows potential buyers to visualize themselves living there. The enhanced appeal makes the listing stand out in online photos, which are often the first point of contact buyers have with a property. Moreover, staging reduces the mental effort required by buyers to imagine the space furnished, leading to quicker decision-making. It's about creating a lifestyle buyers want to step into, and when they can see their future life unfolding in the space, they're more inclined to move quickly. This is why homes that have been professionally prepared for the market tend to receive offers faster, thus selling 88% quicker than their nonstaged counterparts.

Achieving 20% More Sales with Staging

Staging not only speeds up the sale but also impacts the final price. When buyers walk into a staged home, they see a property that's move-in ready, which translates into greater perceived value. This perception is critical as it can reduce the negotiation process; buyers are less likely to request price reductions for a home that appears well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, staged homes often lead to competitive bidding, especially in markets with high demand. This competitive atmosphere can drive the sale price up, sometimes by as much as 20% compared to nonstaged homes. Real estate staging in Denver, for instance, has become increasingly popular, as Denver staging companies are aware of the local buyers' tastes and can tailor the staging process to meet those expectations, resulting in higher sale prices.

The Significance of Staging in Visualization

Leveraging Staging for Potential Buyers

Staging taps into the potential buyer's imagination. It's not just about decorating; it's a strategic marketing tool. A well-staged home can showcase the property's strengths and downplay any weaknesses, guiding the buyer's eye to the most appealing features. It's about creating an environment where buyers can picture their daily lives, from relaxing in the living area to entertaining guests in the dining room. Staged homes often feel more spacious and inviting, which is vital for buyers who are trying to determine if their life will fit into a new space. Staging also helps in deflecting attention from any imperfections or outdated features the home may have, ensuring that buyers focus on the potential of the property rather than its faults. By leveraging staging effectively, sellers can transform their listing into every buyer's dream home.

Why Living Room Staging Matters Most

The living room often serves as the focal point of a home, setting the tone for the entire house tour. It's where first impressions are cemented and where buyers spend a significant amount of time envisioning their future. This is why living room staging is crucial. A well-staged living room invites potential buyers to sit down and stay awhile, helping to forge an emotional connection with the property. By choosing the right furniture, colors, and decor, stagers can create a space that feels both expansive and cozy. Denver staging companies understand the impact of a well-executed living room setup and utilize this knowledge to enhance the appeal of real estate in Denver. In a competitive market, the living room can make or break a sale, and that's why giving it extra attention can lead to a faster and more profitable sale.

Staging Influence on Buyers' Perception

The Role of Staging in Buyers' Home Viewing

During a home viewing, staging can be the deciding factor between a property that feels 'just okay' and one that stands out as 'the one.' Staging creates a narrative for buyers; it guides them through the home, highlighting features like open floor plans, natural light, and storage spaces. Without staging, these features might go unnoticed, but with the right arrangement and accents, they become selling points. Real estate staging in Denver takes into account the competitive market and the high standards of potential buyers, ensuring that every viewing has maximum impact. Staging also encourages buyers to spend more time in the home, which is crucial. The longer they linger, the more they can picture their own belongings and memories filling the space. This emotional attachment can be a powerful motivator in moving from viewing to making an offer.

How Staging Boosts Home's Dollar Value

Staging can significantly increase a home's perceived monetary value. It does so by creating an idealized vision of the living space, which often leads buyers to believe the home is worth more. A staged home typically looks better in photographs and in person, which can translate into higher listing views and more foot traffic. This increased interest can lead to a more competitive market for the home, potentially resulting in a higher selling price. Furthermore, staging can highlight the architectural features and usable space of a home, making it appear larger and more luxurious. A well-staged home often moves the focus away from minor repairs or updates that might be needed, which can otherwise be a point of price negotiation. Sterling Staging & Design aims to present a move-in-ready experience. Our staging reinforces the home's value in the minds of potential buyers, often leading to an increased willingness to pay a premium.

The Power of Buyer's Taste in Home Value

The Influence of Family Members in Home Buying

The decision to buy a home is rarely made by an individual alone; family members play a pivotal role in the process. Each family member’s opinion can significantly sway the decision, making it essential to appeal to a broad range of tastes. Staging a home with this in mind means creating spaces that resonate with everyone, from a functional home office that appeals to working adults to a comfortable, safe play area for children. It's also about using neutral decor that allows potential buyers to envision their own personal touches. When staging for families, it's crucial to present a vision of a home that can accommodate various aspects of family life, from daily routines to special occasions. By doing so, you're not just selling a house; you're selling the idea of a home that can fulfill the desires and needs of all family members, which often results in a stronger attachment and a higher perceived value.

The Importance of Professional Staging Services in Denver

In the competitive Denver real estate market, professional staging services have become invaluable. Denver staging companies bring a deep understanding of local buyer preferences, and this expertise can make a significant difference in how a property is perceived. Professional stagers know how to highlight the unique features of homes in the Mile-High City, whether it's showcasing mountain views or creating a cozy ambiance that appeals to Denver's lifestyle. They have a keen eye for design trends and understand the fine line between a home that looks lived-in and one that appears too personalized. A professionally staged home by Sterling Staging & Design often translates to stunning online listings, more showings, and ultimately, better offers. For realtors and sellers, investing in professional staging services is a strategic move that can lead to a quicker sale and a higher selling price, reflecting the true value of the property in a way that resonates with Denver homebuyers.